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Monday Sep 09, 2019
Stereotype Threat and What You Can Do About It
Monday Sep 09, 2019
Monday Sep 09, 2019
Guest: Sharonne N. Hayes, M.D. (@SharonneHayes)
Hosts: Anjali Bhagra, M.D. (@anjalibhagramd) and Susan M. Moeschler, M.D. (@SMoeschlerMD)
What is stereotype threat? How might you be impacted by it and what can you do to mitigate it? How can you help those you mentor and teach, fight against these factors? Dr. Sharonne Hayes discusses the impact of “de-skilling,” the differences from impostor syndrome, and detailing out what you can do about these situations.
Connect with the team on Twitter @MayoGRIT and the community with #MayoGRIT.
Deeper Dive:
- Whistling Vivaldi: How Stereotypes Affect Us and What We Can Do; 2011 Edition by Claude M. Steele
- How Stereotypes Can Drive Women to Quit Science